cvs commit: ports/www Makefile ports/www/mod_flickr Makefile distinfo pkg-descr

Martin Wilke miwi at
Sun Sep 13 12:34:32 UTC 2009

miwi        2009-09-13 12:34:31 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    www                  Makefile 
  Added files:
    www/mod_flickr       Makefile distinfo pkg-descr 
  mod_flickr is a apache module (for apache 2.0 and above) that makes call to
  flickr via flickr API's to get a users (configured in httpd.conf) public photo
  sets, photos in sets and recent photos uploaded in flickr etc...
  Currently only 4 api calls have been implmeneted (all are GET calls). These
  API's return data in XML format. The XML can then be parsed by the calling code
  (e.g. front end Javascript/php) to display thumbnails of the images say in a
  scrollbar. (Code for front end is not distributed as yet)
  This module can be used by web developers who want to show their photos/albums
  uploaded in flickr on their website and/or access to metadata of their photos
  for their own needs/purposes.
  PR:             ports/138299
  Submitted by:   vshankar
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2436    +1 -0      ports/www/Makefile
  1.1       +34 -0     ports/www/mod_flickr/Makefile (new)
  1.1       +3 -0      ports/www/mod_flickr/distinfo (new)
  1.1       +14 -0     ports/www/mod_flickr/pkg-descr (new)

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