cvs commit: src/sys/netinet6 frag6.c icmp6.c in6.c in6_ifattach.c in6_pcb.c in6_proto.c in6_rmx.c in6_src.c ip6_input.c ip6_mroute.c ip6_output.c mld6.c nd6.c nd6_nbr.c nd6_rtr.c raw_ip6.c udp6_usrreq.c

Doug Barton dougb at
Thu Jan 10 12:07:34 PST 2008

Robert Watson wrote:

> In the past, we've had several subtle bugs crop up as a result of
> changing to ANSI C function prototypes

Ok, so isn't the conclusion we should reach here, "Don't do style
changes unless you're willing to verify that the resulting binaries
are the same before and after?" Do we really need to keep flogging
this topic?



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