cvs commit: www/en index.xsl www/share/sgml libcommon.xsl

Murray Stokely murray at
Thu Jan 10 00:03:39 PST 2008

murray      2008-01-10 08:03:39 UTC

  FreeBSD doc repository

  Modified files:
    en                   index.xsl 
    share/sgml           libcommon.xsl 
  Update links to point to the new RSS 2.0 feeds named rss.xml in the
  appropriate directories on the site.  The new feeds are recognized
  directly by Firefox for much easier subscription with web based or
  desktop feed readers.  They also provide more content (not just titles
  of the items) for other syndicators of this content.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.162     +6 -6      www/en/index.xsl
  1.12      +2 -2      www/share/sgml/libcommon.xsl

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