cvs commit: src/sys/kern kern_thr.c syscalls.master src/sys/sys

Doug Barton dougb at
Sun Aug 19 14:37:22 PDT 2007

On Sun, 19 Aug 2007, Robert Watson wrote:

> The underlying requirement here is for Wine to be able to suspend threads of 
> the emulation process --

[ snip ]

> As a more portable solution, sigqueue(2) can be used -- this is a POSIX 
> realtime signaling interface that, among other things, allows a data value to 
> be passed to the receiveing process.  This would allow a proxy thread in the 
> emulated process to "receive" the signal and then forward the signal to a 
> specific thread within the same process.  However, sigqueue(2) is available 
> only in FreeBSD 7.x, and has been determined to be sufficiently complex to 
> not be MFC'able.

Given that Kris Moore has stated in this thread that he's not concerned 
(on behalf of pc-bsd) if this functionality doesn't get backported to 
RELENG_6, I'd be curious to hear how hard it would be to implement this 
same functionality with sigqueue(2).

FWIW, I'm _all_ for improving our ability to run Wine (and any other 
functionality that will help us be a better desktop OS). If we can get 
Wine to the point where it's useful and reliable for day to day stuff, 
I'll be one of the people running it day to day myself.



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