cvs commit: ports/misc/compat5x Makefile pkg-descr

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at
Sat Jun 3 22:18:14 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-Jun-03 12:18:47 -0300, Marcus Alves Grando wrote:
>Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
>>     misc/compat5x        Makefile pkg-descr 
>>   Log:
>>   - Take maintainership
>Why? Many critical ports, maintainer is ports at . And keep this are a good

I presume this was triggered by the recent thread on -ports
encouraging people to take ownership of unloved ports.  Unfortunately,
this (and the other FreeBSD compat ports) are exceptions where the
general rule that "maintainer = ports implies unloved" doesn't hold.

misc/compat3x, misc/compat4x and misc/compat5x should probably all
have maintainers in the src group.  A quick suggestion would be re@
but it's not exactly within their scope.

Peter Jeremy

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