cvs commit: src/lib/libkvm kvm.c

Christian S.J. Peron csjp at
Mon Jan 23 20:05:49 PST 2006

csjp        2006-01-24 04:05:48 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:        (Branch: RELENG_6)
    lib/libkvm           kvm.c 
  MFC revision 1.28
  date: 2006/01/15 20:30:13;  author: csjp;  state: Exp;  lines: +5 -0
  Validate that the supplied file is not empty before trying mmap(2) it
  and access the pages associated with it.
  Revision  Changes    Path  +5 -0      src/lib/libkvm/kvm.c

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