cvs commit: www/en/gnome/docs bugging.sgml

Ceri Davies ceri at
Fri Jan 6 15:10:42 PST 2006

On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 10:20:05PM +0000, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
> mezz        2006-01-06 22:20:05 UTC
>   FreeBSD doc repository (ports committer)
>   Modified files:
>     en/gnome/docs        bugging.sgml 
>   Log:
>   - Reword the FreeBSD-specific problem part, because many users can make that
>     kind of decision so we can help on this part. [1]
>   - We no longer suggest to send attach in mailing list, because the list
>     usually like to strip it. Change the suggest with different choices to:

Hi Jeremy,

Some suggestions inline below.

> | @@ -25,7 +25,11 @@
> |  			  reported.
> |  		    <li><b><i>After</i></b> deciding whether the problem is FreeBSD-specific,
> |  		      or is a bug in an application that would affect all users,
> | -			  on all operating systems.
> | +		      on all operating systems. If you cannot determine if the
> | +		      problem is FreeBSD-specific or not, then send your
> | +		      problem to <a
	s/to/to the/

> | +		      href="mailto:&email;">freebsd-gnome mailing
> | +		      list</a>, and we can help decided where the problem lies.


> | @@ -52,10 +56,16 @@
> |  	    <li><p>Information specific for each type of breakage:</p>
> |  		  <ul>
> |  		    <li>If a port will not build, provide a full log of the
> | -	          unsuccessful build.
> | -			<li>If a program produces a core dump, provide a stack trace.
> | -			<li>If an application produces unexpected behaviour, provide
> | -			  a clear and detailed description.
> | +		      unsuccessful build by either upload in any website,

s/upload in/uploading it to/

> | +		      copy-n-paste in <a
> | +		      href=""></a>,
> | +		      or send-pr with attach. Try to avoid send any attach to


> | +		      the mailing list, because the list usually like to strip
> | +		      attach.

s/the list*attach./attachments sent to FreeBSD mailing lists are usually
	discarded by the mailing list software/

> | +		      a clear and detailed description.

s/description/description, including a description of the behaviour that
you were expecting/

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm
not sure about the former.			  -- Einstein (attrib.)
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