cvs commit: ports/audio/lplayer/files patch-src_lpformsearchbase.ui ports/cad/qfsm/files patch-src_SimulatorDlg.ui ports/deskutils/tuxcards/files patch-src_gui_dialogs_optionsDialog-IOptionsDialog.ui ports/devel/esvn/files patch-.ui-frm_main.ui ports/devel/lincvs/files patch-src-AnnotateDialog.ui patch-src-CheckoutDialog.ui patch-src-LogDialog.ui ...

Mark Linimon linimon at
Thu Sep 29 12:01:31 PDT 2005

On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 08:39:34PM +0200, Michael Nottebrock wrote:
> However, I'm afraid that others have indeed (potentially) made life difficult 
> for RE in that respect - one commit I can think of would be the recent 
> libxine update which bumps the major shared library revision and thus affects 
> a great deal of dependent ports.

That's a perfect example of things that need to be run by portmgr@ during
thaws.  If it had, I would have voted against approving it.  (I had not
noticed it earlier in all the email messages).

My own feeling is that we had better hope that we don't have to do any
ports tag slipping this release, since we have accumulated over 4 weeks'
worth of commits to the tree since the freeze ended.  If we do, my guess
is that we're at a pretty high risk of having to re-freeze the tree and
rebuild all the packages.


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