cvs commit: ports/lang/gcc40 Makefile distinfo pkg-plist

NAKATA Maho chat95 at
Thu Mar 3 06:58:11 GMT 2005

In Message-ID: <20050303063945.GA3179 at> 
David O'Brien <obrien at> wrote:

> So what if it is outside of gcc-4.0?  libgmp4 builds quickly and it is a
> small dependancy.

please see /usr/ports/lang/gcc40

.if defined(WITH_FORTRAN)
LIB_DEPENDS+=   gmp.6:${PORTSDIR}/math/libgmp4
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=        --with-gmp=${LOCALBASE}
MAN1+=  gfortran${SUFFIX}.1
INFO+=  gfortran
PLIST_SUB+=     FORTRAN="@comment "

Only Fortran depends on external library at that time,
and needs configure args as well. This configure line should be removed,
because IMHO gcc should build without external dependency.

BTW: I'm not maintaining gcc-4.0 port, just maintaining gfortran port.
I made gfrotran port for several reasons, and it should be obsolated in
the future.
-- NAKATA, Maho (maho at

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