cvs commit: src/sys/kern kern_kse.c

Christian S.J. Peron csjp at
Wed Mar 2 05:01:43 GMT 2005

csjp        2005-03-02 05:01:43 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:        (Branch: RELENG_5)
    sys/kern             kern_kse.c 
  MFC revision 1.211
  date: 2005/02/24 00:05:50;  author: csjp;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -2
  Drop bzero and shove the responsibility of zeroing the kse upcall
  object on to the zone allocator. It should be noted that uma_zalloc(9)
  uses bzero to zero out the object so there probably wont be any
  real performance benefit. If UMA grows the ability to supply
  zeroed zones more efficiently in the future, we will not have to
  modify all the existing consumers.
  Revision    Changes    Path  +1 -2      src/sys/kern/kern_kse.c

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