cvs commit: ports/lang/tclX Makefile ports/lang/tclX/files patch-af

Mikhail Teterin mi at
Mon Jul 18 23:58:38 GMT 2005

mi          2005-07-18 23:58:37 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    lang/tclX            Makefile 
    lang/tclX/files      patch-af 
  Unbreak the manual pages installation and help file generation:
          . when parsing man-files, do not choke on files
            containing '.so man.macros';
          . be ready for the .bz2 man-pages;
          . do not use vendor's install-doc target at all -- install
            the vendor's manual pages in post-install and declare
            MLINKS to have do the Right Thing (TM) --
            links instead of copies of the manual pages.
  This may even work now :-)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.50      +23 -21    ports/lang/tclX/Makefile
  1.2       +7 -1      ports/lang/tclX/files/patch-af

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