cvs commit: ports/graphics/djvulibre Makefile ports/textproc/wordnet Makefile

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at
Thu Jul 14 19:15:47 GMT 2005

On Thu, 14 Jul 2005 12:30:03 -0500, Mikhail Teterin  
<mi+mx at> wrote:

>> AFAIK it's up to the maintainer/creator of the port if he uses a  
>> particular
>> version number or allows every version of a library.
> Yes, unfortunately... There is no _rational_ explanation to demand a
> particular version of almost any library, but some people continue to  
> insist
> on them _irrationally_. Which is why I only cleaned up the ports, that I
> created and/or maintain, from the cruft introduced by such people.

BTW: portmgr, want to take care of this thread? End it now is better than  


>> If the changed lib not only has a changed ABI but also a changed API in  
>> a
>> way the port has to be patched, you can add the lib version at the time  
>> you
>> change the port. At this time the port really depends upon a particular
>> version, until then it doesn't.
> Thank you very much, Alexander. I really got tired of explaining this  
> patently
> obvious thing to "fellow committers".
> Demanding a particular shlib version causes an untold number of unneeded
> upgrades every day -- all for the sake of it being easier for some
> maintainers to search for dependencies? Which -- as you point out -- it  
> is
> not even, but even if it were... Consider an example:
> 	1) Building and installing all ports of the KDE suite
> 	2) Updating the ports tree
> 	3) Trying to build, say, the AbiWord port
> If the shlib number of any one of the many libraries used by both KDE and
> AbiWord got bumped between steps 1) and 2), the step 3) will fail, and  
> the
> user will have to redo the entire step 1)...
> Portupgrade eases the procedure, but does not make it any less stupid.
> Moreover, for about 18 months now, one can use regular expressions in
> # LIB_DEPENDS	- A list of "lib:dir[:target]" tuples of other ports this
> #		  package depends on.  "lib" is the name of a shared library.
> #		  make will use "ldconfig -r" to search for the library.
> #		  lib can contain extended regular expressions.
> 	-mi

mezz7 at  -  mezz at
FreeBSD GNOME Team  -  gnome at

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