cvs commit: src/sys/kern syscalls.master

Robert Watson rwatson at
Sun Jul 3 01:08:54 GMT 2005

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005, Jeff Roberson wrote:

>    - Change all VFS syscalls to MSTD as they all manually deal with giant
>      or the appropriate filesystem locks.

This all looks like really great work, btw, and I'm very excited that it's
in the tree so get can some more broad-based testing.  You probably want
to propagate the changes to the master syscalls.master to the freebsd32
syscalls.master used for 32-bit emulation on 64-bit platforms
(specifcally, amd64 running FreeBSD i386 binaries).  Also, it sounds like
Giant can probably be pushed out of some of the Linux emulation system
calls also, as usually they just wrap the FreeBSD calls, but often they
are flagged to acquire Giant automatically.

Time to go throw a tunable on some test boxes :-).

Robert N M Watson

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