cvs commit: src/sys/sys protosw.h src/sys/kern uipc_domain.cuipc_socket2.c

Julian Elischer julian at
Tue Oct 19 15:11:29 PDT 2004

Andre Oppermann wrote:

>>Another point: If you really want to keep the possibility to remove a
>>protocol, you have to introduce some busy counter that pervents removal while
>>the kernel is inside a protocol function. This has to be handled by the
>>protocol itself, but it has to be taken care of somehow.

each protocol array entry could have either a mutex or a refcount or both..

>Yes, the protocol has to be able to handle its own unloading.  I have
>documented that fact.  If a protocol in unable to do so it should simply
>refuse any unload attempts with EBUSY.

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