cvs commit: src/sys/sys pbioio.h src/sys/i386/isa pbio.csrc/sys/conf files.i386 src/sys/i386/conf NOTES

Diomidis Spinellis dds at
Thu Oct 7 14:52:49 PDT 2004

M. Warner Losh wrote:
> In message: <41658491.3070604 at>
>             Diomidis Spinellis <dds at> writes:
> : Warner Losh wrote:
> : >   Added files:
> : >     sys/sys              pbioio.h 
> : >     sys/i386/isa         pbio.c 
> : >   Log:
> : >   Port pbio to HEAD.
> : >   
> : >   OK'd by: dds
> : 
> : I now see that my initial commit to RELENG_4 and Warner's subsequent 
> : blitzport to HEAD has resulted into two disjoint file sets in the 
> : repository.  I had not forseen this problem.  Since this problem started 
> : from me, I am willing to redo the commits starting from HEAD and follow 
> : with the MFCs, if the CVS meisters are willing to do the required repo 
> : surgery, removing sys/sys/pbioio, sys/i386/isa/pbio.c and 
> : share/man/man4/man4.i386/pbio.4
> I'm not sure I understand this issue.  cvsup just now shows that the
> files moved from Attic up a level.  There's a weird 1.1 rev, but
> that's the only problem I see.  Can you explain more what you are
> seeing that makes them disjoint?

By reading the commit messages I thought that CVS kept one file in the 
Attic, and one outside, because both commits were marked as (new). 
Apparently CVS is more clever than that:

revision 1.2
date: 2004/10/07 16:25:21;  author: imp;  state: Exp;  lines: +181 -0
revision 1.1
date: 2004/10/07 11:54:00;  author: dds;  state: dead;
branches:  1.1.2;
file pbio.4 was initially added on branch RELENG_4.
date: 2004/10/07 11:54:00;  author: dds;  state: Exp;  lines: +181 -0

The only problem I see is that the file body appears to be stored twice 
in the repository, starting from an empty 1.1. revision.  I guess we can 
ignore it and move on.


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