cvs commit: src/sys/geom/mirror g_mirror.c g_mirror.h

Pawel Jakub Dawidek pjd at
Fri Nov 5 09:23:11 PST 2004

On Fri, Nov 05, 2004 at 06:13:54AM -0700, Scott Long wrote:
+> Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:
+> >pjd         2004-11-05 09:05:15 UTC
+> >
+> >  FreeBSD src repository
+> >
+> >  Modified files:
+> >    sys/geom/mirror      g_mirror.c g_mirror.h 
+> >  Log:
+> >  MFp4:
+> >  - Fix for good (I hope) force-stopping mirrors and some filure cases
+> >    (e.g. the last good component dies when synchronization is in 
+> >    progress).
+> >    Don't use ->nstart/->nend consumer's fields, as this could be racy,
+> >    because those fields are used in g_down/g_up, use ->index consumer's
+> >    field instead for tracking number of not finished requests.
+> >  
+> >    Reported by:  marcel
+> >  
+> >  - After 5 seconds of idle time (this should be configurable) mark all
+> >    dirty providers as clean, so when mirror is not used in 5 seconds
+> >    and there will be power failure, no synchronization on boot is needed.
+> >  
+> >    Idea from:    sorry, I can't find who suggested this
+> Do you check that all outstanding writes are actually completed in this
+> timeout period, or just that you haven't recieved any new writes in this
+> period?

I'm checking it now, thanks!

Pawel Jakub Dawidek             
pjd at                 
FreeBSD committer                         Am I Evil? Yes, I Am!
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