cvs commit: src/sys/dev/pci pci.c

Nate Lawson nate at
Sat May 22 10:40:35 PDT 2004

On Fri, 21 May 2004, Bruce M Simpson wrote:
> On Fri, May 21, 2004 at 02:21:41AM -0600, Scott Long wrote:
> > Well, the 8.3.3 paragraph only specifically mentions the command
> > register and the BARs.  I'm just worried that by touching stuff outside
> > of this range that you open up the risk of tickling latent buggy
> > silicon.  Exception cases like the ATA hardware doing magic things with
> > the progif register should be left up to the ATA driver.  It's exactly
> > those kinds of bent-rules that makes me nervous =-)
> Maybe this behaviour could be enabled or disabled with an instance variable?
> I can think of one example of hardware which might need this. I owned an
> IBM ThinkPad T22 with an xl(4) NIC for about a year, and one of the things
> which annoyed me about suspend/resume was the tendency for it to lose its
> PCI configuration.

Yes, this almost certainly required it.  The question is whether any PCI
device could be broken from excessive poking of its config space.  I
really doubt this.


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