cvs commit: src/sys/dev/ciss ciss.c cissreg.h

Paul Saab ps at
Mon May 17 10:27:40 PDT 2004

ps          2004/05/17 10:27:39 PDT

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/dev/ciss         ciss.c cissreg.h 
  Turn SCSI pre-fetch ON.  This is mainly for 64XX and 64X based
  controllers and allows the controller to prefetch 1-2k on certain
  PCI memory reads to the host.  The spec says this should only be
  used for IA32 based systems.
  Informed of feature by: John Cagle <first.last at>
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.46      +4 -0      src/sys/dev/ciss/ciss.c
  1.9       +8 -2      src/sys/dev/ciss/cissreg.h

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