cvs commit: src/sys/kern kern_fork.c

Bosko Milekic bmilekic at
Mon Jul 26 20:46:32 PDT 2004

bmilekic    2004-07-27 03:46:31 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/kern             kern_fork.c 
  Move the schedlock owner state update following the context
  switch in fork_exit() to before anything else is done (but keep
  schedlock for the deadthread check).  This means one less
  nasty bug if ever in the future whatever might have been called
  before the update played with schedlock or critical sections.
  Discussed with: tjr
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.232     +14 -12    src/sys/kern/kern_fork.c

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