cvs commit: src/sys/compat/linux linux_socket.c

David Malone dwmalone at
Sun Jul 18 12:19:06 PDT 2004

> >   I missed two pieces of the commit to this file. Robert has already
> >   added one, this adds the other.

> Not to pick on this commit, but recently there have been several commits where
> the log msg addressed _why_ the commit was done but never described _what_ 
> was changed.

Since the rational for the commit had been described in the commit
message that I'd intended to make the commit in, I wasn't really
sure what useful I could say. The change was to replace f(blah)
with f(&blah), where blah was a pointer. Admittedly, in the original
commit message, I probably could have explained the changes in more

> This is not helpful; someone coming along later with only CVS 
> for reference must do a diff to even guess what the change does. Good commit 
> msgs give a reader an understanding of the reason and content of a change.  

Ian Dowse has written a great tool (rcshist) for looking at RCS/CVS
files and getting the diffs inline. I often use it when trying to
diagnose problems or understand bits of code. The source is at:

Mind you, that doesn't give me an excuse to write bad commit messages ;-)


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