cvs commit: ports/net/maradns Makefile distinfo

Foxfair Hu foxfair at
Sat May 31 19:46:42 PDT 2003

foxfair     2003/05/31 19:46:40 PDT

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    net/maradns          Makefile distinfo 
  PR:             52827
  Submitted by:   Kirill Ponomarew <ponomarew at>
  Update net/maradns: 1.0.17 -> 1.0.18
  This resolves a very minor issue where the script to stop MaraDNS
  would kill the process which hunts for MaraDNS processes.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.36      +1 -1      ports/net/maradns/Makefile
  1.30      +1 -1      ports/net/maradns/distinfo

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