cvs commit: src/release/alpha drivers.conf

Murray Stokely murray at
Wed May 14 19:01:01 PDT 2003

On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 06:43:03PM -0700, David O'Brien wrote:
> > In SCO, there used to be a lot more drivers floppies, categorized by
> > their use, Mass Storage, Networking, etc.  Why not?
> I strongly feel floppies should be de-supported.

It would be easy to extend the existing awk scripts to support more
than one driver floppy.  Some environments or platforms may still have
a use for them, and it doesn't cause us much pain to continue to
support this configuration.  I'd certainly appreciate it if Ruslan or
anyone else updates driver-*.awk and src/release/Makefile to
generalize our driver floppy mechanism.

I talked about this with Ruslan and possibly others months ago.  I
think we've known for a while that we'd need to generalize this sooner
or later.

	  - Murray

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