cvs commit: src/etc/rc.d apm apmd archdep

Mike Makonnen mtm at
Mon May 5 19:15:08 PDT 2003

On Mon, 5 May 2003 20:06:13 -0400 (EDT)
Robert Watson <rwatson at> wrote:

> > Umm, I dont think so.  apm does not exist on amd64, cannot exist and
> > never will exist.  Please back this out. 
> Well, ACPI does provide emulation for some of the apm(4) control ioctls,
> such that apm(8) actually usefully reports on the power condition on ACPI
> boxes.  I'd imagine the functionality provided by apmd(8) would be useful
> still with ACPI, but I don't know if it either directly speaks ACPI or
> whether the ACPI apm emulation is sufficient to support apmd.  If it does,
> then in theory the apm startup scripts could be useful on ACPI-supporting
> platforms, including ia64 and AMD64.  If that's the case, we might
> seriously think about renaming apmd to powerd or the like.

Should this still be backed out ?
FWIW, everything that I ported over to rc.d *was* in rc.amd64.

Mike Makonnen  | GPG-KEY:
mtm at | D228 1A6F C64E 120A A1C9  A3AA DAE1 E2AF DBCC 68B9
mtm at FreeBSD.Org| FreeBSD - The Power To Serve

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