cvs commit: src/games/caesar caesar.c src/games/fortune/fortune fortune.c src/games/fortune/strfile strfile.c src/games/fortune/unstr unstr.c src/games/pom pom.c src/games/random random.c

David E. O'Brien obrien at
Mon May 5 02:52:27 PDT 2003

obrien      2003/05/05 02:52:25 PDT

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    games/caesar         caesar.c 
    games/fortune/fortune fortune.c 
    games/fortune/strfile strfile.c 
    games/fortune/unstr  unstr.c 
    games/pom            pom.c 
    games/random         random.c 
  Make the __FBSDID usage consistent
  and protect copyright[] from Gcc 3.3's whining.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.13      +4 -5      src/games/caesar/caesar.c
  1.23      +4 -4      src/games/fortune/fortune/fortune.c
  1.22      +4 -5      src/games/fortune/strfile/strfile.c
  1.9       +4 -5      src/games/fortune/unstr/unstr.c
  1.12      +4 -4      src/games/pom/pom.c
  1.15      +2 -3      src/games/random/random.c

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