HP Kayak XW (D5510N)

Doug Ledford dledford at redhat.com
Thu Sep 9 18:45:15 PDT 1999

Chuck Slivkoff wrote:

> I can
> further eliminate the cable detection error (INT 50:yes, INT 68:yes, EXT
> 68: yes) by adding "override_term:0xffff". Interestingly enough, there
> is no 68-pin external connection, only 1 68-pin internal connection and
> both internal and external 50-pin connections.

You should be able to go into the aic7xxx bios and set the termination to what
it should be and have that solve the problem.  If it doesn't, then moan at the
BIOS developers since the auto_term bit in the seeprom is being left on even
when auto_term is not in use.

> I am concerned, though, about the use of "no_reset". What are its
> implications? Is there any possible explanations as to why I need to use
> this option? Are there any problems that I should expect to see?

The no_reset option avoids doing a bus reset at initialization time.  The
reason it could be effecting your stuff is because of SCAM.  Try setting the
drive IDs using the jumpers and disabling the SCAM mode on the controller and
then see if the no_reset option can be left off.

  Doug Ledford   <dledford at redhat.com>
   Opinions expressed are my own, but
      they should be everybody's.

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