ez-scsi speed settings and aic7890

Dennis J.A. Bijwaard bijwaard at node118b0.a2000.nl
Wed Apr 14 13:00:59 PDT 1999

> The problem appears to be memory
> corruption.  When the CD-ROM is run at full speed under NT along side
> the Ultra2 disk, you get corruption as well.  Because the linux ext2
> filesystem is in general faster than NT's filesystem, you see the same
> memory corruption with lower speeds on the CD-ROM.  Basically, linux is
> faster and that makes it break with lower transfer speeds.  I would
> suggest you try swapping out the RAM and/or CPU to see if the problem
> goes away.
Doug Ledford was right, it was a memory problem. I used memtest86 to
test the memory and found about 50 errors at 15ms refresh. I got a 
replacement today and all my worries seem to be over.

Thanks for all the help!

Kind regards,
		Dennis Bijwaard

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