Duration of Blocked Interrupts

Mail Receiver rmail at ittc.ukans.edu
Wed May 27 14:11:37 PDT 1998

> I've finally had a chance to investigate this a little more and I'm
> curious about this.  I've found a SCSI_BH and scsi_bottom_half_handler (in
> scsi.c) that look like they perform the exact function specified (delayed 
> processing of completed commands). 
> It appears as though simply setting use_new_eh_code to 1 in the AIC7XXX
> macro will cause the bottom half to be enabled.  All of this is from a
> cursory perusal of the code so I'd appreciate any further information
> anyone might have on this subject. 

Unfortunately, I forgot to include the particular kernel that I was
looking at... It's 2.1.90.

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