Tyan Thunder II

Grahame Jordan gbj at ozonline.com.au
Thu Mar 26 16:34:46 PST 1998


I have been trying to get 4 pci cards to live happily on a 
tyan thunder without much luck.

The problem is that the thunder grabbs an irq for each scssi channel.
There is however a aic7xxx=7895_irq_hack:x kernel option that I 
thought would solve my problem, however when it boots the device times out
and halts. I have tried the option at both "0" & "1" with the same effect.
The option does force the use of 1 irq.  I downloaded the latest version of
the bios v1.18 from the tyan site with no improvement.

Is there something else that I shoud do here?


Grahame Jordan

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