Micropolis 1991w disks and Adaptec 2940 ultra (off topic)

Karl Pielorz kpielorz at tdx.co.uk
Wed Jan 21 01:21:30 PST 1998

It won't work...

To run a Wide drive you need a Wide controller... If you have a Wide
controller and Narrow drives you can rework things with adaptors / cabling
etc. - but Wide (68 Way) drives on Narrow controllers (50 Way) is a no-go I'm


Karl Pielorz

Brian Ristuccia wrote:
> Anyone know what the cabling / termination / functionality issues would be
> regarding the connection of Micropolis 1991w (68 pin connector) disk to my
> Adaptec 2940 ultra (not a wide card -- 50 pins)
> --
> Brian Ristuccia
> brianr at osiris.ml.org
> bristucc at baynetworks.com
> bristucc at cs.uml.edu

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