GSoC 2022 Weekly Status Report #10: Loader quality of life

From: Connor Bailey <>
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2022 05:52:10 UTC

I spent the week on Lua completions, which I hadn't really put much 
thought into beforehand.
It turns out that "correct" completions for Lua are a bit involved since 
they essentially require solving the same problem as semantic 
highlighting, both of which would involve cracking open a proper parser.
Instead, I just went with the dumb solution of completing common tokens 
(function, end, local, plus any variable names) in any position of the 
line. It isn't glamorous but the total number of keystrokes required to 
type out a function has gone down, so I'm happy.

I would have liked to have done something a bit more smart, but I didn't 
want to over-complicate things either. Plus, my code is contributing to 
the overall size of the loader, which does have an upper limit (that 
some configurations have already hit).
