Re: Recently moved to XS 8.2 on new hardware - seen a couple of FreeBSD DomU lock ups?

From: Karl Pielorz <>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2022 11:15:28 UTC

--On 14 October 2022 16:40 +0200 Roger Pau Monné <> 

> Hello,
> Sorry, been very busy this week and forgot to reply earlier.
> Could you try to setup a watchdog in FreeBSD and see if that
> triggers?  So that we can get an idea of where the guest locks up.

Hi - no problem / thanks for the reply...

I'll give the above ago - part of the problem is not knowing which VM is 
going to die (there are quite a few) - the second part, is the waiting 

> Is also the 100% load on all CPUs, or just one?

>From memory of the graphs - I think it was probably just one (I think the 
last VM that locked was a two core VM).

> If the watchdog doesn't work we can try other methods.

Well, I'll get back to you when it happens again (personally - I hope it 
doesn't happen again) - but at least I know it's not quite as much of a 
dead end as I feared debug wise.

If this does happen again - and I'm able, is there any point in doing a 
snapshot + memory of the VM? (which is about the only thing I could think 
of - not knowing about the watchdog stuff).
