wireless status report

From: Bjoern A. Zeeb <bz_at_FreeBSD.org>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 20:53:36 UTC

I took some time off around Pascha.  A few things have happened:

- time on reviews, discussions, etc. and finally also tried to help
   Adrian and Cheng on the HW_CRYPTO bits.

- started an 11n branch with some work I had done on my own beginning of
   the year only to find that ...

- ... fwget no longer knew about firmware for my BE200 given that was an
   any/any/any candidate.   One of the limitations where in WiFi lands we
   cannot always do the matching on PCI IDs and that will likely stay a
   problem for us;  I think in the long term if we know there is firmware
   but we cannot connect it to a PCI ID it should og into a "misc"
   package/flavor and a user could at least manually install it.

- The Linux v6.9-rc6 iwlwifi driver had that problem fixed (mind you we
   have two releases out--13.3 incl. firmware--where this cards already
   worked.  So I started updates in between and I just did the v6.9
   update today;  Some LinuxKPI 802.11 bits are needed to be updated and
   that is todays work in progress.

- I'll re-generate fwget tables and ports framework Makefiles and then
   both D44918 and D44945 should go in.

- Opened two minor LinuxKPI reviews for the non-WiFi bits D45180 and
   D45181.  It seems updating frequently keeps the changes to smaller
   bit which helps a lot.

- Loooked into a few PRs and on the more recent side I'll try to address
   PR 275255 (likely related to the new 278935) this week.  This is
   an error from iwlwifi internals when trying to remove a STA from
   firmware because it is already gone (after a bss_conf update if I
   remembered correctly).  I was told that should not be the case so
   likely this slipped in at some time and Linux deals differently
   with it (when we have error checking and assertions) so that it
   is not on the radar there.

- I also ran the reproducer from PR 278655 for a night with a larger set
   of cores assigned to the test bhyve instances than I normally do but I
   could not repro it.  May have to debug on a non-VM testbed.

More next week or during the week in case I push the driver updates to

Lots of joy,

Bjoern A. Zeeb                                                     r15:7