Re: net80211 channel cleanup - IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_DEFINED() / IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_ANYC()

From: Bjoern A. Zeeb <>
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 06:58:45 UTC
On Sat, 21 Dec 2024, Adrian Chadd wrote:

> hi!
> i've started on the bare minimum to start cleaning up the way we handle
> channels in net80211. The first part - no matter what direction we
> eventually DO go - is to try and remove all of the direct pointer
> comparisons and dereferences that are going on.
> So along this topic, i've created a diff to demonstrate a couple of those
> cases:
> Specifically:
> * IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_DEFINED() returns true if the channel isn't null; and

I am sceptical about this one; see further below.

> * IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_ANYC() returns true if the channel is the "any channel"
> channel (ie IEEE80211_CHAN_ANYC).

I would suggest to keep the IEEE80211_CHAN_ prefix and insert the IS
after that: IEEE80211_CHAN_IS_ANYC()

> There are a bunch of places in net80211 and sys/dev that manually check if
> the channel is NULL / the channel is/isn't ANYC. My proposal is we go
> through, find them all and convert them to these macros.

From looking through the code I would hypothesize that if NULL checks
are not for local state most of them are either a result of copy&paste
in multi-OS-ported drivers or there as a result of crashes due to race
conditions/insufficient locking in net80211 and most should simply never
occur.  Plasting them behind a IEEE80211_CHAN_IS_DEFINED (or IS_VALID
whatever you'd name it) is likely not helpful to fix the underlying
issues upfront.  I would wonder if most could go away or should me made
sure to have a valid state (often coming along with the ANYC check

There are also plain "ANY" (no C) cases which should also be covered but
they fit even less into this scheme.

> I'd appreciate feedback! If everyone's ok with this and it gets landed,
> then this can be a nice mini-project for someone to go get dirty in the
> net80211 stack / wireless drivers and participate a bit in the general
> cleanup.
> Thanks,
> -adrian

Bjoern A. Zeeb                                                     r15:7