ALFA RTL8812au connection is unstable.

From: Laurent Cimon <>
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2023 05:56:15 UTC

I have an RTL8812au card on FreeBSD 14.0-STABLE and the connection is 
very unstable.
For example, when downloading packages with pkg, the download rate goes 
down to 0
for a few seconds, then goes up not above 2MB/s for a few seconds, it's 
often under 500KB/s
and often does not last longer than a second or so, then goes back to 0 
for a few seconds.

I haven't felt this instability when browsing the web or pinging, it 
seems to happen during longer connections.

Here are some system information. I've tried changing a few tunables but 
nothing changed.

root@JOY# sysctl -a | grep rtwn
rtwn0 on uhub3
rtwn0: <Realtek 802.11n NIC, class 0/0, rev 2.00/0.00, addr 2> on usbus5
rtwn0: MAC/BB RTL8812AU, RF 6052 2T2R
<118>   parent interface: rtwn0
net.wlan.0.%parent: rtwn0
net.wlan.devices: rtwn0
         value:  /boot/kernel/rtwn-rtl8812aufw.ko
         value:  /boot/kernel/if_rtwn_usb.ko
         value:  /boot/kernel/rtwn.ko
dev.rtwn.0.rx_buf_size: 48
dev.rtwn.0.ratectl_selected: 1
dev.rtwn.0.ratectl: 2
dev.rtwn.0.hwcrypto: 1
dev.rtwn.0.debug: 0
dev.rtwn.0.ht40: 0
dev.rtwn.0.%parent: uhub3
dev.rtwn.0.%pnpinfo: vendor=0x0bda product=0x8812 devclass=0x00 
devsubclass=0x00 devproto=0x00 sernum="123456" release=0x0000 mode=host 
intclass=0xff intsubclass=0xff intprotocol=0xff
dev.rtwn.0.%location: bus=5 hubaddr=1 port=2 devaddr=2 interface=0 
dev.rtwn.0.%driver: rtwn
dev.rtwn.0.%desc: Realtek 802.11n NIC, class 0/0, rev 2.00/0.00, addr 2

Thank you,