Short EuroBSDCon recap - open issues I am aware of

From: Bjoern A. Zeeb <>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2022 15:44:30 UTC

I know some of you got hold of me during EuroBSDCon and I couldn't help
you on the spot.  Some also only got me by email and we made progress.

I'd love if you could follow-up privately with me so we can try to sort
things out for next time if you haven't already.

The three open issues I am aware of are:

1) new (other) chipsets support requests [in progress],

2) a single iwm(4) issue with wpa_supplicant looging 11r++ problems
   "FT: Invalid group cipher (%d)"    [=0]
   freebsd-current was from March-ish this year;  I heard that updating
   supplicant partially made things work but I lost track;  can you
   email bz@ and Cc: cy@ please so we three can see if we can figure
   something out?  I'd also be interested in pciconf -lv iwm0 to know
   which chipset that was as others with iwm didn't see that problem.
   I think you had found what I now also found:

3) an issue with iwlwifi already crashing during netif start (which
   initially looked like a drm problem but disabling that showed the
   actual iwlwifi problem).  Please hit my inbox at bz@

Sorry those things couldn't be solved on the spot,

Bjoern A. Zeeb                                                     r15:7