Re: core dump generated for "setting ip on iwlwifi device"

From: Jonathan Vasquez <>
Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2022 19:14:28 UTC
To be clear, the attachment is in the bug report. The previous message is a copy of what I pasted in the report (but providing it here for visibility).

Jonathan Vasquez
PGP: 34DA 858C 1447 509E C77A D49F FB85 90B7 C4CA 5279
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------- Original Message -------
On Friday, November 4th, 2022 at 15:13, Jonathan Vasquez <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Good news! I was able to finally fix my issue regarding saving crash dumps and I now have a dump to show (Since I was using encrypted swap ( w/ .eli extension in /etc/fstab) that was causing my cores not be able to be saved. For whatever reason I thought the system was "smart enough" to extract the core before re-encrypting that swap partition on boot). Anyways, I've attached the extract as core.txt.1 (setting ip). These are the network related settings when it crashes in /etc/rc.conf:
> wlans_iwlwifi0="wlan0"
> #ifconfig_wlan0="WPA SYNCDHCP"
> ifconfig_wlan0="WPA inet"
> create_args_wlan0="country US regdomain FCC"
> defaultroute_delay="0"
> I'm not familiar with kernel debugging but since I got crash dumps working and gdb, I'll see if I can poke around and see what happens. I do know a bit of basic "pdb (for python development)" and I know that pdb was suppose to be inspired by gdb, so maybe it will help haha.
> Jonathan Vasquez
> PGP: 34DA 858C 1447 509E C77A D49F FB85 90B7 C4CA 5279
> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email