[Bug 276524] Setting LUN block size in ctl.conf to 512 will use volblocksize instead

From: <bugzilla-noreply_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 22:43:37 UTC

--- Comment #17 from balchen@ste.no ---
The Format page from MODE SENSE seems to contain a different physical block
size, unless I'm reading this incorrectly.

balchen@blocksize-test:~$ sudo sginfo -f /dev/sdb
Format Device mode page (0x3)
Tracks per Zone                    0
Alternate sectors per zone         0
Alternate tracks per zone          0
Alternate tracks per lu            0
Sectors per track                  256
Data bytes per physical sector     4096
Interleave                         0
Track skew factor                  0
Cylinder skew factor               0
Supports Soft Sectoring            0
Supports Hard Sectoring            1
Removable Medium                   0
Surface                            0

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