Re: (vm-)bhyve stopped working recently on 13.2

From: Michael Gmelin <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 21:54:15 UTC

> On 12. Jan 2024, at 21:50, Tomek CEDRO <> wrote:
> Hello world :-)
> Aftere recent 13.2-RELEASE freebsd-update and pkg bhyve stopped
> working. It starts a machine that stops right after start. I am using
> vm-bhyve (1.5.0) frontend and enabling debug="yes" does not really
> reveal anything more except error code and its cause.
> Does anyone know what can be the problem and solution here? :-)
> Any hints appreciated :-)
> Tomek

What are you running inside bhyve (OS and version)? Could you maybe share vm-bhyve‘s config file?


> --