[Bug 266325] vm ivhd bhyve nic passthru completely broken in 13.1

From: <bugzilla-noreply_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2023 21:06:17 UTC

--- Comment #2 from attila.kover@guardian.co.uk ---

A bit more information from a recent test under 14.0-CURRENT (different


Aug 03 02:25:16: initialising
Aug 03 02:25:16:  [loader: bhyveload]
Aug 03 02:25:16:  [cpu: 2]
Aug 03 02:25:16:  [memory: 4G]
Aug 03 02:25:16:  [hostbridge: standard]
Aug 03 02:25:16:  [com ports: com1]
Aug 03 02:25:16:  [uuid: 2333ba09-dfe1-11ed-9ed6-9c5c8e54ad77]
Aug 03 02:25:16:  [debug mode: no]
Aug 03 02:25:16:  [primary disk: ptproba.img]
Aug 03 02:25:16:  [primary disk dev: file]
Aug 03 02:25:16: booting
Aug 03 02:25:16: bhyveload -c /dev/nmdm-ptproba.1A -S -m 4G -e
autoboot_delay=3 -d /root/vm-bhyve/ptproba/ptproba.img ptproba
Aug 03 02:25:22:  [bhyve options: -c 2 -m 4G -AHP -U
2333ba09-dfe1-11ed-9ed6-9c5c8e54ad77 -u -S]
Aug 03 02:25:22:  [bhyve devices: -s 0,hostbridge -s 31,lpc -s
4:0,virtio-blk,/root/vm-bhyve/ptproba/ptproba.img -s 5:0,passthru,8/0/0]
Aug 03 02:25:22:  [bhyve console: -l com1,/dev/nmdm-ptproba.1A]
Aug 03 02:25:22: starting bhyve (run 1)

The first few dozen messages are like the followings (couple of hundred

ivhd0: EVT INTR 0 Status:0x1a EVT Head:0x0 Tail:0x10]
  [CMD Total 0x24] Tail:0x240, Head:0x240.
ivhd0:  [Event0: Head:0x0 Tail:0x10]
        [INV_DTE devid:0xa0 addr:0xfdf9103300 type:0x3 tr:0]
ivhd0: EVT INTR 1 Status:0x1a EVT Head:0x10 Tail:0x20]
  [CMD Total 0x26] Tail:0x260, Head:0x260.
ivhd0:  [Event0: Head:0x10 Tail:0x20]
        [INV_DTE devid:0xa0 addr:0xfdf9103300 type:0x3 tr:0]
ivhd0: EVT INTR 2 Status:0x1a EVT Head:0x20 Tail:0x30]
  [CMD Total 0x26] Tail:0x260, Head:0x260.
ivhd0:  [Event0: Head:0x20 Tail:0x30]
        [INV_DTE devid:0xa0 addr:0xfdf9103300 type:0x3 tr:0]

...then the constant flood (about 35 lines per second in /var/log/messages):

ivhd0:  [Event63: Head:0x3e0 Tail:0x8d0]
        [INV_DTE devid:0xa0 addr:0xfdf9103300 type:0x3 tr:0]
ivhd0:  [Event64: Head:0x3f0 Tail:0x8d0]
        [INV_DTE devid:0xa0 addr:0xfdf9103300 type:0x3 tr:0]
ivhd0:  [Event65: Head:0x400 Tail:0x8d0]
        [INV_DTE devid:0xa0 addr:0xfdf9103300 type:0x3 tr:0]

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