Re: u-boot debug, was: Re: U-boot on RPI3, sees disk but won't boot it

From: Mark Millard <>
Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2022 21:21:42 UTC
On 2022-Oct-1, at 12:58, Mark Millard <> wrote:

> . . .
> Given the "no failures to find a boot device",
> I suggest an experiment of (temporarily?)
> reverting to the official rpi_arm64_fragment
> (to disable the U-Boot logging) and seeing how
> it behaves without the extra messages.
> The timing changes from the messages could be
> contributing to some of the behaviors you are
> seeing.

still shows all the debug output. It did not
avoid the timing changes.

You might need to not use either of:


and to disable the LOG_DEBUG and DEBUG lines in:


via turning them into comments by adding // as
indicated below:

+//#define LOG_DEBUG
+//#define DEBUG

Mark Millard
marklmi at