Re: Question) Error occurred during build process

From: Danilo G. Baio <>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 23:41:46 UTC

On Mon, Aug 28, 2023, at 20:03, YooKyung-tak wrote:
> Hello, 


> I tried to build the entire document because I finished translating the handbook into Korean. (Weblate) 

That's nice.

> I downloaded the handbook file translated into Korean from the weblate and pasted it into the freebsd-doc directory on Github. 
> Then I executed the "DOC_LANG=ko make" command, and the process was interrupted with the following error. 
> How do I fix this problem? 
> Thanks. 
> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
> stonegaze@S5Test:~/freebsd-doc/documentation $ DOC_LANG=ko make
> make: "/usr/home/stonegaze/freebsd-doc/documentation/Makefile" line 56: warning: "Warning: cannot skip 'en'; adding it back"
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Building the documentation
> included languages: ko en
> excluded languages: bn-bd da de el es fr hu id it ja mn nl pl pt-br ru tr zh-cn zh-tw
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> HUGO_DISABLELANGUAGES=" bn-bd da de el es fr hu id it ja mn nl pl pt-br ru tr zh-cn zh-tw" /usr/local/bin/hugo --minify
> Start building sites …
> hugo v0.111.3+extended freebsd/amd64 BuildDate=2023-03-17T03:01:46Z+0000 VendorInfo=freebsd
> WARN 2023/08/26 03:22:38 books/handbook/book.adoc: asciidoctor: WARNING: content/en/books/handbook/multimedia/_index.adoc: line 241: id assigned to section already in use: troubleshooting
> WARN 2023/08/26 03:22:59 books/handbook/book.adoc: asciidoctor: WARNING: content/ko/books/handbook/multimedia/_index.adoc: line 241: id assigned to section already in use: troubleshooting
> Error: Error building site: failed to render pages: render of "section" failed: "/usr/home/stonegaze/freebsd-doc/documentation/themes/beastie/layouts/books/list.html:132:30": execute of template failed: template: books/list.html:132:30: executing "main" at <split .Page.File "/">: error calling split: unable to cast page.zeroFile{log:(*helpers.DistinctLogger)(0x858326210)} of type page.zeroFile to string
> Total in 38487 ms
> *** Error code 255
> Stop.
> make: stopped in /usr/home/stonegaze/freebsd-doc/documentation

Could you upload your code to a GitHub repo and share it? So we can investigate it better.
with the above error, I can't point out what is going on.

Danilo G. Baio