Re: Question regarding articles/contributing

From: Fernando_Apesteguía <>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 17:53:39 UTC
On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 12:48 AM Danilo G. Baio <> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 01:28:30PM +0200, Fernando Apesteguía wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm facing two problems with the Spanish translation of articles/contributing.
> >
> > The first one is that there is one particular string that despite
> > being translated in Weblate it is not shown in the .po file neither in
> > the freebsd-doc-translate repo nor if I download the .po file from
> > Weblate. The string is:
> >
> > --------
> > Please do not submit a man:shar[1] archive of the entire port;
> > instead, use man:diff[1] `-ruN`. In this way, committers can much more
> > easily see exactly what changes are being made. The Porter's Handbook
> > section on link:{porters-handbook}#port-upgrading[Upgrading] has more
> > information.
> > --------
> >
> > And as you can see here:
> >
> >
> >
> > It has been translated. This does not seem to be a delay problem. That
> > string was translated days ago. Anyway I tried to make a small change,
> > save and make another change to see if the translation showed up but I
> > didn't have luck.
> Hi Fernando.
> The same thing happened when I tested in pt_BR.
> I updated all source strings (English) right now and had to clean these
> pending translations (You need to translate this again) to fix.
> The last time I updated the source strings, I received some internal
> errors (500).  It's probably related.
> I will pay attention if it happens again in the next upgrade.
> Thanks for noticing this.

Thanks Danilo.

It worked this time. Committed in f475353b

> >
> > The other problem is that {core-email} is not translated
> > automatically. In order to get it substituted I need to manually
> > include include::shared/es/teams.adoc[]
> > But I don't see that include in the working pt-br translation.
> >
> > Any ideas what the problems might be?
> Currently, pt-br and es don't have {core-email}.
> $ grep core-email documentation/content/*/articles/contributing/_index.adoc
>   documentation/content/en/articles/contributing/_index.adoc:If your
>     change is of a potentially sensitive nature, such as if you are unsure
>     of copyright issues governing its further distribution then you should
>     send it to {core-email} directly rather than submitting as a bug
>     report.
>   documentation/content/en/articles/contributing/_index.adoc:The
>     {core-email} reaches a much smaller group of people who do much of the
>     day-to-day work on FreeBSD.
> The difference from English are the includes:
> [documentation/content/en/articles/contributing/_index.adoc]
>   ifeval::["{backend}" == "html5"]
>   include::shared/en/mailing-lists.adoc[]
>   include::shared/en/urls.adoc[]
>   endif::[]
> [documentation/content/pt-br/articles/contributing/_index.adoc]
>   include::shared/pt-br/urls.adoc[]
> [documentation/content/es/articles/contributing/_index.adoc]
>   include::shared/es/urls.adoc[]
> $ grep -nir core-email shared/*
>   shared/en/teams.adoc:27::core-email:
>   shared/en/teams.adoc:28::core: {core-name} <{core-email}>
>   shared/en/mailing-lists.adoc:665::core-email:
>   shared/es/teams.adoc:30::core-email:
>   shared/es/teams.adoc:31::core: {core-name} <{core-email}>
>   shared/pt-br/teams.adoc:30::core-email:
>   shared/pt-br/teams.adoc:31::core: {core-name} <{core-email}>
>   ... (skipped other languages)
> pt-br and es don't have core-email on mailing-lists.adoc.
> Another small detail is that core-email is duplicated on teams.adoc and
> mailing-lists.adoc.

I added the core mail address to shared/es/mailing-lists.adoc in 3e8c9471

> Regards.
> --
> Danilo G. Baio (dbaio)