FreeBSD 12.2 end-of-life multi-mime test

From: FreeBSD Security Officer <>
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2022 17:03:29 UTC
Dear FreeBSD community,

On March 31, 2022, FreeBSD 12.2 will reach end-of-life and will no longer be
supported by the FreeBSD Security Team.  Users of FreeBSD 12.2 are strongly
encouraged to upgrade to a newer release as soon as possible.

After March 31, the supported branches and releases and their expected
end-of-life dates are:

|   Branch    |   Release    |  Release Date     |      Expected EoL       |
| stable/13   | N/A          | N/A               | January 31, 2026        |
| releng/13.0 | 13.0-RELEASE | April 13, 2021    | 13.1-RELEASE + 3 months |
| stable/12   | N/A          | N/A               | June 30, 2024           |
| releng/12.3 | 12.3-RELEASE | December 7, 2021  | 12.4-RELEASE + 3 months |

Please refer to for an up-to-date list of
supported releases and the latest security advisories.

The FreeBSD Security Team