Re: 13.4 compiles firefox functionally different

From: Dan Mack <>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 13:35:59 UTC
On Tue, 17 Sep 2024, Peter wrote:

> Hi,
> after upgrading to 13.4-RC2-p1, I recompiled all ports.
> Today I found my firefox can no longer render a certain webpage;
> the output is garbled as if the CSS were missing/defective.
> Here is details and picture:
> The firefox version is -esr-115.15.0,1, from 2024Q3 as of a
> week ago.
> Investigation showed:
> * firefox from package as of today (130.something) works well.
> * firefox-esr from package as of today (128.something) works
>   well.
> * firefox-esr from ports as of today (128.2.0esr) freshly compiled
>   on 13.4-RC2-p1 also works well (prereqs still from last week)
> * firefox-esr 115.14.0_1,1 locally compiled a few weeks ago on
>   Rel. 13.3 also works well.
> So I did verify: I restarted a Rel.13.3-p5, fetched all
> prereqisite ports from backup (so these were also compiled on 13.3),
> and then compiled firefox-esr-115.15.0,1, the very same that now
> renders garbage, using the very same ports tree, with OS running
> 13.3-p5. And that one now works!
> So bottomline is:
> firefox-esr 115.15.0,1 - the one that was in 2024Q3 until about a
> week ago - works correct when compiled on 13.3 (along with all it's
> prereq ports), but renders garbage for a certain webpage when
> compiled on 13.4-RC2 (along with all it's prereq ports).
> I don't like this, because now the question is: what else might 13.4
> compile so that it suddenly functions differently?
> (I glanced thru PR 277021 - but it doesn't seem to mention anything
> about webpages displaying broken, or any functional difference)
> Any idea how this might come to happen, anybody?

Probably not related but I'll bring it up anyway; there was issue with 
firefox/other programs on alpine linux a couple weeks ago where the MESA 
package's upgrade in combination with using the link time optimization 
feature under gcc-14.x caused garbled previews and other graphical 
anomolies on my Firefox and my sway window manager.

Not sure which compiler / mesa is used to build firefox on FreeBSD but 
could be part of the problem I guess or a place to look at the 
dependencies.  It looks like they disabled LTO on the mesa build to fix 
the issue.  That was using mesa-24.2.2.
