Re: not working /dev/console

From: Daniel Braniss <>
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 07:20:40 UTC

> On 27 Nov 2024, at 18:44, Warner Losh <> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 27, 2024 at 3:59 AM Robert Schulze < <>> wrote:
> Hello,
> Am 27.11.24 um 09:34 schrieb Daniel Braniss:
> > Hi,
> > when the console is not uart0, init’s output, which I assume uses /dev/console
> > is lost. Boot, kernel and login work ok, also debugger.
> you can give the loader a hint, which uart is considered a console.
> In my case, any IPMI-console on uart1 works with the following settings 
> in /boot/loader.conf:
> --
> boot_multicons="yes"
> comconsole_port="0x2f8"
> hint.uart.0.flags="0x0"
> hint.uart.1.flags="0x10"
> hint.uart.1.baud="115200"
> --
> hint.uart.N.flags="0x10" means: this is a potential system console.
> See uart(4) manpage for this.
> hw.uart.console is preferred over the flags. In fact, nobody should be setting
> the flags at all. I should remove them from the man page, or burry them
> in a footnote somewhere.
> So boot_mulitcons w/o boot_serial=yes will mean that video is the
> primary console and serial the secondary, and /etc/rc only runs on
> the primary console.
> Warner

hi Warner:
first some facts:
my problems are with old dell PowerEdge r720, r320
which have old bios 2020/2019
both have COM2 as boot/serial redirect - tried setting it to COM1 but that was even worse
running diskless FreeBSD 14.2

so after much trial and mostly errors,
	- the initial messages from boot (loader.efi) is garbled - each character appears twice
	- once kernel takes over all is ok, including init(8) output
at the moment this works with:

need more time (and patience) to check which combination of the above does the trick
PS: hw.uart.console: I can’t pass it as argument via DHCP which is a pity - most of others are ok

> regards,
> Robert Schulze