Re: Source upgrade 12.4 - 13.2 installworld jails Function not implemented

From: Per olof Ljungmark <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2023 11:55:36 UTC

On 2023-07-21 11:51, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
> 21.07.2023 16:11, Per olof Ljungmark wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Looking for advice what to do next. This is a production server and we can only afford short downtimes.
>> Kernel is (was)
>> FreeBSD 12.4-STABLE stable/12-c3bbba00e GENERIC
>> then
>> Fetched 13.2-STABLE sources yesterday morning.
>> Did,
>> make buildworld
>> make kernel
>> make installworld
>> etcupdate applied in between
>> Did not reboot between kernel and world because wanted to save time, perhaps stupid.
> You installed world on host, now you have new binaries that NEED new kernel. Reboot the host ASAP.
>> Now that I want to upgrade the jails,
>> make installworld DESTDIR=$jail
> That should be done after new kernel booted.

Thank you Eugene!