Upgrade to 13.0

From: Lucas_Nali_de_Magalhães <rollingbits_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2021 20:19:12 UTC

I want to share my evaluation of the upgrade to 13.0:
- I lost my motd files.
- The upgrade script said it'll skip my shell init scripts due to my personalizations.
- On the first restart, fuse failed mounting device and the boot halted in single user.
- The $FreeBSD$ tags are useless.
- I think I would have lost my amd.map of I were using it, too.
- The mouse never disappears in the console. I'm not sure this is new.

In resume: it's worse.

rollingbits — 📧 rollingbits@icloud.com 📧 rollingbits@gmail.com 📧 rollingbits@yahoo.com