Re: Feeling happy to join the community.

From: Polarian <>
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 13:52:33 UTC

> Idiot: Who should I vote for?
> Bot: Vote for a sexist, racist, criminal egomaniac and liar with the
> temperament of an irascible toddler. Because someone like that would
> be a trustworthy president to entrust with a powerful country and
> nuclear weapons.

Can we not bring politics into the mailing list, I understand that some
people are highly emotional after the US elections but making little
digs like this on a public mailing list will cause division.

I am sure there are plenty of people who agree with you, but there is
also plenty who disagree, which is exactly why political
references/comments are a bad idea.

I do firmly believe someones politics is noticeable simply by looking at
the email server they use, people into eco politics will go towards
email hosting companies which promise 100% renewable energy and take
steps to lower their waste and emissions at their offices, and in your
case, riseup members tend to be anarcho-communists, so its no surprise
your stance taken here, but lets keep it off the mailing list :D

Take care,
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