Re: dma: could not pick up queue file

From: Daniel Tameling <>
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 20:35:35 UTC
On Sun, Nov 03, 2024 at 08:58:21AM -0500, Dan Langille wrote:
> Based on that, I'll add this to /etc/periodic.conf:
> # disable queuerun_enable to avoid conflict with dma
> daily_queuerun_enable="NO"
> That comment is just to remind me what it's for.
> Now it's just a matter of time. If there are no more incidents, I say you've solved it. Let's give it a few weeks.
> Thank you. Good job. :)

Thanks. If something is running automatically that isn't started by cron, periodic is always a good candidate.

Btw.: there still is a dma port and its pkg-message says:
  And you can disable some sendmail specific daily maintenance routines in your
  /etc/periodic.conf file:

The last one almost looks like what you set. The man page says:

       (bool)  Set to "YES" if you want	to manually run	the mail queue
       at least	once a day.

       (bool) Set to "YES" if you also want to manually	run the	submit
       mail queue at least once	a day  when  daily_queuerun_enable  is
       set to "YES".

So it looks like you found the parent of daily_submit_queuerun.
Hopefully that fixes the issue.

Best regards,