How to install geoiplookup?

From: Rody <>
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2024 13:53:40 UTC
Hi everyone,

Trying to prepare myself to get command line geoip lookups working. Running 
13.3-RELEASE-p1 of freebsd. It seems the pkg libmaxminddb is installed by 
default but missing the tools to access the data. 

The following page tells me to install the libmaxminddb via ports:
But it does not include info for when you've never used ports before.

The following page tell what to do to get started with ports:
And tells me that if ports was not installed during install, I should use a 
series of commands to use git.

Not sure if ports was indeed installed or not during install. Any way to find 

The following page recommends to use portsnap:
Portsnap seems to be installed by default and easier to use, but:
suggests that maybe only git should be used?

Still, it seems the database was already installed automatically using pkg so 
it should probably be deleted prior to starting with ports?

I imagine the geoiplookup tool is only a tiny binary and requires a lot of 
work to get it installed this way, or am I missing something?
